| 1. | If you want to live to see your next age category , drop it 你要是还想活到你下一个年龄层的话,收回这句话。 |
| 2. | After choosing the competition you want to take part in , choose a suitable age category , for example , middle or high school or college and above 选取完比赛类型后,请就您年龄选取适当组别,例:国中组/高中组/大专以上组。 |
| 3. | In 2000 , 48 . 2 percent of the labor force was age 40 or older ; by 2010 , more than half of the labor force will be in this age category 2000年, 48 . 2 %的劳动力为40岁及40岁以上;而到2010年,几乎超过一半的劳动力将处在这个年龄段上。 |
| 4. | They captured the elegance and splendor of the celestial jewelry of their choice in pictures that shone with joy and beauty . this competition was held for children in three school age categories 叁加的小朋友们分成高中低年级三组,依自己对天饰的感受及喜爱,用心描绘出富丽堂皇的天饰图案及美丽又喜悦的画境。 |
| 5. | Winners of the five age categories , in which the entries were judged , received prizes including certificates , cash awards , free kcr east rail tickets and commemorative ticket sets at the ceremony 大会将参赛作品按参赛者年龄分成五个组别。五个组别的得奖者获得的奖品包括奖状、现金奖、免费东铁车票,以及纪念套票。 |
| 6. | If there is no player to qualify in a particular age category , a younger player may be substituted for an older category age group , but an older player may not be substituted for a younger category age group 如果没有播放器在一个特别年龄范畴取得资格,一个更年轻的播放器可以被用代替一个更旧的范畴年龄组,但是一个更老的播放器不能被用代替一个更年轻的范畴年龄组。 |
| 7. | By the year 2010 , it is estimated that over 52 million women and men in this same age category will be affected , and if current trends continue , the figure will climb up to over 61 million by 2020 according to the national osteoporosis foundation 根据全国骨质疏松症基金会national osteoporosis foundation的估计,至2010年此年层的女性和男性将有超过5200万人受到影响,且若持续目前的趋势,此数字在2020年将会攀升超过6100万人。 |